3     BYLAW I. Activities of the Chapter. Activities appropriate to the fulfillment of

 4     the object of the Society include: the election to membership and associate

 5     membership in the Society of students, faculty members, investigators in research

 6     institutions and others who meet the requirements for membership set forth in

 7     Article II, Section 3 A and B of the Constitution of the Society; the maintenance of

 8     companionship among the membership in various fields of science through the

 9     holding of meetings for the discussion of scientific subjects; and any other activities

10    that further the goals and objectives of the Society or chapter.

11    BYLAW II. Membership in the Chapter

12    Section 1. Affiliation with the Chapter. The membership of this chapter, subject

13    to the requirements of Article IV, Section 1 of the Constitution of the Society, shall

14    consist of the active Members and the active Associate Members who present

15    satisfactory credentials showing election to membership in the Society, who request

16    affiliation with this chapter. None who meet those qualifications and request

17    affiliation with this chapter shall be denied.

18    Section 2. Criteria for Membership. Criteria for membership in this chapter shall

19    be identical to the standards and policies set by the Society. In no way will this

20    chapter require more stringent criteria for membership than those set by the Society.

21    Section 3. Nomination and Election and Initiation Procedures. The Officers of

22    the Chapter shall have responsibility to review and handle nominations, elections, and

23    initiations in accordance with the policies and bylaws of the Society.

24    BYLAW III. Organization of the Chapter

25    Section 1. Officers of the Chapter. A. Officers The officers of the Chapter consist

26    of the President, Vice-President, and the Secretary/Treasurer.

27    B. Election of Officers. (i) Nominations The Secretary/Treasurer shall issue a call

28    for nominations for officers annually prior to March 1st. Any active member or

29    associate member of the chapter may be nominated for any office, and self-

30    nominations are allowed. The Secretary/Treasurer shall ensure that all who are

31    nominated are willing to serve. Nominations shall close by March 31st each year.

32    Afterwards, the Secretary/Treasurer shall send ballots, which may be electronic, to

33    all active members and associate members of the chapter for vote. The candidate for

34    each office receiving the most votes shall be declared the winner. Elections are to be

35    completed by May 31st each year. Officers will assume their office on July 1st of

36    each year for a one year term. There shall be no limit to the number of consecutive

37    terms that a person may hold office.

38    D. Vacancies. (i) In One Office. In the case of a vacancy in the office of

39    President, the Vice-President shall assume the office and the duties of the President

40    for the remainder of that term. In the case of a vacancy in the office of Vice-

41    President, the President shall appoint a Vice-President to serve until the next

42    scheduled election. In the case of a vacancy in the office of Secretary/Treasurer, the

43    President shall appoint a Secretary/Treasurer to serve until the next scheduled

44    election.

45    (ii) President and Vice-President. Both Vacant. If the offices of both President

46    and Vice-President are simultaneously vacant, the Secretary/Treasurer shall assume

47    the office of President for the remainder of the term, and follow the procedures

48    above for the remaining vacancies.

49    Section 2. Committees of the Chapter. Should the formation of a Committee for

50    some purpose be required, the officers shall have discretion both as to its

51    composition, membership, and duration.

52    BYLAW IV. Dues and Expenses of the Chapter

53    Section 1. Dues and Fees. A. Annual Dues. (i) How Set. Dues for the Society

54    are set according to the bylaws of the Society. The chapter officers may choose to

55    set local dues to be collected in addition to the Society dues, which would be

56    returned to the chapter for use in its programs. Such dues if set shall be voluntary,

57    and nonpayment of those dues shall not impact the status of a member in the chapter.

58    Section 2. Expenses. A. Proper Expenses. The proper expenses of the chapter

59    shall include, but are not limited to, the following: payment for food at chapter events,

60    payment for transportation affiliated with chapter events, purchase of

61    honorary plaques or awards, awards for students in sciences, or other awards such as

62    the officers may choose to designate.

63    BYLAW V. Bylaws

64    Bylaws as necessary for the proper governance of the chapter may be enacted or

65    modified by the unanimous vote of the Officers. Bylaws revisions must be

66    communicated to chapter members within 5 days of adoption and, should more than

67    10 percent of the active membership object in writing to the Secretary/Treasurer

68    within 30 days of adoption, said amendment or modification shall be held in

69    abeyance until a vote can be held, which must be held within 60 days of the original

70    adoption. If insufficient objections are forthcoming, the bylaws change becomes

71    effective at 30 days from adoption by the Officers. Members can propose changes

72    to the bylaws to the officers. If more than 10% of the active membership signs in

73    support of a proposed bylaws change, the officers shall put it forward for a vote

74    within 30 days of submission. A simple majority of voting members shall be

75    required to pass the bylaws change.

76    BYLAW VI. Dissolution of Chapter Assets

77    If the Chapter goes inactive and remains dormant over 5 years or dissolves, any

78    funds the chapter possesses which were the direct result of local dues and chapter

79    support will go back to the Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society.